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No discord sever


fun and addictive, i'm waitinggg for the next update. keep it up! Thankk you!!!


when is the next update? 


This game is pretty fun and addictive and can't wait for the next update.


What does the complete save data text do

What is battle music name?


Great game! When is the next update?


hey how do I port old saves to new updates?

Amazing game, one of the best of html 5, but I have 4 questions, first, what is rune 15, second, what is rune 21, third, does Isabella has bondage scene, and the last one, how to get Donnas foot job? (I completed the game, all Tips saying to wait for another update, and sorry for so many questions)

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The runes are the levels from the tower and no, Isabella doesn't have a bondage scene.


Woah it's been a year the moaning sound not change for Isabella, it's seems new now. If may I know who's the artist that voice over Isabella? 


It's @arigataya888




Hey, shouldn't you add the changes to the main page? It still only shows the changes.

Oh, I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.


Very good game a little bit bugged takes 2 energy for a x atk but says only costs 1 thats annoying also has a habit of charging but not giving the energy reward b/s hope its fixed, other wise really like the game.

Hey! I was trying to install 4.7.3 for android but it didn't work, it was saying "app not installed as app isn't compatible with your phone" anyone know how to fix it?


How to increase each character's confidence?

How to enter complete save game data to game in android 


The android version still drops frames whenever I try and fight the 3 girls or try to do X scenes I tried putting the display size to lowest but it still drops frames



i wait u so long time


I see a web build have been uploaded 3h ago, but the itch page says "The developer has not uploaded a game yet...".

Did something go wrong with the webgl build ?

I will be patient regardless of the answer but, are you delaying the public update because you have to or because you want to?

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I delay the public update if there are fixes needed for the release version. Additionally, I prioritize bug fixes and improvements for the latest version on Patreon.
But I think I can release it today or tomorrow.


4.80 has come, why haven't developers updated the public version of 4.70.

It's coming soon, just wait a little longer.


hello, can you send/add an IPA version of the game so that we, as an ios users can sideload it with Altstore and play it? Or instead can you please fix the local save button in the browser version because i can not save the game

Okay, I'll try to see if I can fix it.


i like how the girls have different body types. its a nice touch.


Why did you make it so hard to capture each character my thumbs fell like they're going to fall off




I cant save locally in the browser version (and i cant download the game because im using ios) the local save button doesnt work

Can you tell me what device you're playing the game on?


You're finally back, developer.


Realy liking this game so far. Only thing that gets me is every time I want do the 'cum' action, I get flash banged. The sudden white flashing screen hurt my eyes.

I don't know if removing it will make it look weird, but I've played other game that don't have dramatic screen action at climax and they were still really good.

It looks like the girls still make reactions, so the white screen seem a bit redundant to me..


is there a way to gain their trust yet


no but it’s probably in the next update or sum


Glad this game isn't dead, it is pretty good. Hope you'll do regular updates. 

When you release update here? 

I think it's every 3 weeks


The game gives me a tip (Talk to Isabella in the tower) but Isabella does repite the same conversation again and again. And the tip doesent changes. I dont now if it is a bug or because this part is not developed now. Help

Apologies for the confusion. If you've already had sex with Isabella once, then that tip was inadvertently left in the game. It was supposed to be included in the version I've released on Patreon.



Game is great however the android version has a bit of problems sometimes it would lag alot during battle making it hard to continue the story




how do I get into the castle?


We are glad that you are back to developing the game, we are waiting for the next updates)

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What's the best weapon in the game? Also amazing game always happy when there's a new update


Best to have is negative value speed and high attack value points so far my weapon have -9 speed  


Finally,an update.i might going to grave again to wait another long update 🤣(I'm joking)

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how to use the X move? and why cant i capture aria or violet, the orange bar is never filled


For X-move the opponent has to be stunned (bottom orange bar on the right) and you need 1 energy pip and 10 mana. You have to use X-move *while* they are stunned (have any orange meter in the bottom bar).

You can only capture the opponents by using x-move attacks on them and getting the lust/H-bar (top bar on right with a Heart) value above the red line *before* defeating them. 

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Im stuck on fighting violet, i have defeated her but it is playing the same scene again n again

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